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The Online Web Developer's Bootcamp
Section 1 - Intro
1.1 Welcome to the class (4:48)
Section 2 - What is programming?
2.1 A brief intro on what programming is and why it matters (2:16)
2.2 Why focus on web development? (2:51)
Section 3 - Setting up your work environment
3.1 Mac or Windows: what computer do I need? (4:10)
3.2 A quick tutorial on how to use a Mac (8:14)
3.3 What web browser to use (4:42)
3.4 Installing the text editor, the place where we write our code (5:25)
3.5 Tips for using Sublime Text (5:30)
3.6 Changing themes for Sublime Text (6:47)
3.7 Tech sites you should follow (3:09)
3.8 Blogging: why you should write about your coding journey (3:33)
3.9 Alternate text editor: Visual Studio Code (1:48)
Section 4 - Welcome to the Front End
4.1 How the internet works (5:23)
4.2 The power of HTML, CSS and JavaScript (5:06)
Section 5 - HTML
5.1 What is HTML and why does it matter? (1:56)
5.2 Resources for HTML (2:16)
5.3 A closer look at tags (2:53)
5.4 Overview of an HTML Document (11:06)
5.5 Formatting Text: Paragraphs and headings (7:48)
5.6 Formatting Text: Bold and Italic (6:47)
5.7 Line breaks and horizontal rules (5:06)
5.8 Ordered lists (5:24)
5.9 Unordered lists (5:47)
5.10 White space and comments (9:49)
5.11 Sublime shortcuts (3:25)
5.12 Attributes (3:19)
5.13 Images (10:16)
5.14 Hyperlinks (8:32)
5.15 Project intro: About Chewy (0:58)
5.16 Project solution: About Chewy (7:38)
5.17 What to do if you are stuck with an error (4:32)
5.18 Classes and IDs (2:56)
5.19 Divs and Spans (4:54)
5.20 Tables (5:46)
5.21 Forms Part 1 (14:50)
5.22 Forms Part 2 (20:23)
5.23 Practice exercise: The tech jobs table (10:01)
5.24 Project: The Brunch Cafe website (28:34)
Section 6 - CSS
6.1 What is CSS and why does it matter? (4:29)
6.2 CSS syntax (2:47)
6.3 Inline, Internal, and external CSS (11:51)
6.4 Colors (13:48)
6.5 Text part 1 (11:15)
6.6 Text part 2 (10:20)
6.7 Text part 3 (7:07)
6.8 Font Awesome (15:38)
6.9 Backgrounds (9:02)
6.10 Borders (9:36)
6.11 The Box Model (9:58)
6.12 Chrome DevTools (9:53)
6.13 Margin (6:46)
6.14 Padding (6:27)
6.15 Hover (5:43)
6.16 Practice exercise: The Buttons (20:09)
6.17 Practice exercise: The Nav Bar (16:06)
6.18 Selectors part 1 (12:03)
6.19 Selectors part 2 (6:30)
6.20 Specificity (8:35)
Section 7 - Bootstrap
A Note about the Bootstrap lectures
7.1 What is Bootstrap? (12:49)
7.2 A note about Bootstrap 3 and 4 (3:35)
7.3 Installing Bootstrap (7:15)
7.4 Colors (4:53)
7.5 Containers (3:37)
7.6 Borders (7:17)
7.7 Alerts and buttons (14:41)
7.8 Nav bars (7:56)
7.9 Cards part 1 (11:50)
7.10 Cards part 2 (6:53)
7.11 Carousel (8:54)
7.12 Grid System part 1 (17:46)
7.13 Grid System part 2 (9:44)
7.14 Intro to project: Coffeeplex (6:25)
7.15 Coffeeplex part 1 (32:37)
7.16 Coffeeplex part 2 (18:42)
7.17 Coffeeplex part 3 (24:22)
Section 8 - JavaScript Basics
8.1 What is JavaScript and what does it do? (9:23)
8.2 A few thoughts before we start (3:12)
8.3 Chrome DevTools Console (4:27)
8.4 Comments (1:09)
8.5 Data Types and Variables (20:11)
8.6 Variables part 2 (11:14)
8.7 Output (8:10)
8.8 Semicolons (5:44)
8.9 JavaScript in an HTML file (6:04)
8.10 Prompt method (4:35)
8.11 Comparison operators (8:00)
8.12 Logical operators (5:41)
8.13 Exercise (6:51)
8.14 Conditions (12:00)
8.15 Exercise (5:00)
Section 9 - JavaScript Loops
9.1 What are loops? (3:29)
9.2 While loops (5:41)
9.3 Exercise (5:52)
9.4 Do while loops (6:41)
9.5 For loops (5:29)
9.6 Exercise (4:16)
Section 10 - JavaScript Functions
10.1 Intro to functions (5:11)
10.2 How to define functions (5:39)
10.3 Parameters and arguments (6:37)
10.4 Multiple parameters (4:36)
10.5 Exercise (4:09)
10.6 Returning values (10:18)
10.7 Returning values part 2 (7:37)
10.8 Local and global variables (9:47)
10.9 Exercise (7:55)
10.10 Callback functions (4:32)
10.11 Anonymous functions (4:16)
Section 11 - JavaScript Arrays
11.1 What are arrays? (5:11)
11.2 Index and length (7:10)
11.3 Array methods part 1 (10:58)
11.4 Array methods part 2 (9:24)
11.5 Array methods part 3 (6:52)
11.6 Iterating over arrays part 1 (8:42)
11.7 Iterating over arrays part 2 (7:18)
Section 12 - JavaScript Objects
12.1 What are objects? (4:29)
12.2 Accessing and updating objects (5:27)
12.3 Methods (4:24)
12.4 Objects in arrays (6:27)
12.5 Arrays in objects (4:35)
Section 13 - Document Object Model
13.1 What is the DOM? (4:39)
13.2 Nodes (4:03)
13.3 The window object (6:13)
13.4 Selecting elements part 1 (7:49)
13.5 Selecting elements part 2 (6:47)
13.6 Text (8:04)
13.7 Style (9:13)
13.8 Attributes (7:39)
Section 14 - Events
14.1 What are events? (4:20)
14.2 A list of events (5:14)
14.3 Event handlers part 1 (7:46)
14.4 Event handlers part 2 (4:14)
14.5 Event handlers part 3 (4:18)
14.6 Mouse events part 1 (9:39)
14.7 Mouse events part 2 (4:47)
14.8 Keyboard events (13:43)
14.9 Form events (11:41)
Section 15 - DOM Projects
15.1 Rotating images Part 1 (8:17)
15.1 Rotating images Part 2 (8:14)
15.1 Rotating images Part 3 (8:46)
15.1 Rotating images Part 4 (8:14)
Section 16 - Intro (Back End)
16.1 Welcome to the class (2:22)
16.2 Install Visual Studio Code (1:38)
Section 17 - Welcome to the Back End
17.1 How the internet works (8:56)
17.2 The Request/Response cycle (5:17)
17.3 What is the back end? (6:39)
17.4 Quiz (3:02)
Section 18 - Command Line
18.1 What is the Command Line? (5:27)
18.2 Terminal and the shell (8:18)
18.3 Windows users: Installing Git Bash (7:24)
18.4 Command Line basics (12:32)
18.5 Creating files and folders (5:54)
18.6 Remove files and folders (5:26)
18.7 Exercise (11:22)
18.8 Customizing the Terminal (Mac) (11:06)
18.9 Homebrew (Mac) (2:29)
Section 19 - Git
19.1 Intro to Git (9:42)
19.2 Installing Git (5:06)
19.3 Tracking, staging, committing (5:57)
19.4 Git init and status (5:20)
19.5 Git add and commit (7:46)
19.6 Git log (1:44)
19.7 Intro to Github (3:12)
19.8 Git clone (7:50)
19.9 The gitignore file (7:15)
Section 20 - Node.js
20.1 What is Node.js? (3:27)
20.2 Installing Node.js (2:04)
20.3 The Node.js REPL (3:05)
20.4 Running a file (3:43)
20.5 NPM intro (8:07)
20.6 Working with NPM (11:51)
20.7 NPM Exercise 1 (8:47)
20.8 NPM Exercise 2 (9:33)
20.9 NPM init and package.json (12:26)
20.10 NPM install (4:49)
Section 21 - Express.js
21.1 Intro to Express (2:36)
21.2 Building a simple server part 1 (17:37)
21.3 Building a simple server part 2 (3:36)
21.4 HTTP request methods (4:04)
21.5 Nodemon (6:51)
21.6 Sending HTML files (7:43)
21.7 Route parameters (10:33)
Section 22 - EJS
22.1 Intro to EJS (5:04)
22.2 Sending data to views (15:03)
22.3 Exercise (7:18)
22.4 Conditional statements (7:59)
22.5 Looping over data (11:09)
22.6 Serving CSS files in Express (6:38)
22.7 Partials (8:28)
22.8 Postman (5:31)
22.9 Working with POST requests (18:14)
Section 23 - APIs
23.1 Introduction to APIs (12:50)
23.2 How an API works (18:08)
23.3 Working with JSON (11:27)
23.4 Requests with Needle (10:24)
23.5 JSON Placeholder API (9:56)
23.6 Exercise (7:49)
23.7 The Quotes project part 1 (10:29)
23.8 The Quotes project part 2 (14:53)
23.9 The Quotes project part 3 (7:15)
23.10 The Quotes project part 4 (12:52)
Section 24 - MongoDB
24.1 Intro to MongoDB (8:36)
24.2 Installing MongoDB
24.3 The Mongo Shell (5:35)
24.4 Collections and inserting (4:11)
24.5 Finding (4:50)
24.6 Updating (4:51)
24.7 Deleting (3:10)
Section 25 - Mongoose.js
25.1 Intro to Mongoose (2:31)
25.2 Connecting Mongoose (3:39)
25.3 Schema and model (3:28)
25.4 Save and create (8:27)
25.5 Find (4:01)
25.6 Update (4:08)
25.7 Delete (3:02)
Section 26 - ES6
26.1 What is ES6 JavaScript? (3:57)
26.2 let (6:52)
26.3 const (6:49)
26.4 String Template Literals (6:39)
26.5 Arrow functions part 1 (4:58)
26.6 Arrow functions part 2 (4:49)
Section 27 - The Message Board Project
27.1 What is RESTful Routing? (8:17)
27.2 What we’re building (4:41)
27.3 Setup (13:10)
27.4 Working on the Index (12:54)
27.5 Designing with Bootstrap (12:40)
27.6 New route (10:55)
27.7 Connecting Mongoose (6:43)
27.8 Create route (14:23)
27.9 Show route (11:44)
27.10 Method-override (3:15)
27.11 Edit and Update (16:01)
27.12 Destroy route (6:53)
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18.7 Exercise
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