I’m Jon, and I’m a coding bootcamp instructor

What is coding bootcamp? It is a short term educational program (typically about 3-6 months) that is designed to teach a student a large amount of programming concepts so that they can more quickly obtain a job as a software developer. These are different from university courses that are more expensive and take years to complete.

Although coding bootcamps offer an advantage in terms of pricing and time, they can still be out of reach for many potential students. This is because the average coding bootcamp can cost about $10,000-$20,000 and can require 20+ hours of time commitment each week for the duration of the program.

A better way to learn

If you are thinking about investing lots of money upfront into your coding education, let me just say this: Don't! There are more than enough free or low cost options online to help guide you in the beginning, and you should always explore those choices first before you take out your credit card.

With Coder Vox, I provide you with the same content and material that I use for my in-person classes at a significantly lower cost. You will be able to watch video lessons at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. It’s the smart, affordable way to jump start your new career in tech.

Start your free 7 day trial today and begin your journey as a software developer. Get access to all courses now

Just $19/month after your trial. You can cancel anytime.



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Why Web Development?

It’s easy to understand why there are so many people who want to switch into the tech career field. But it’s not always clear where to begin. After all, there are fields such as mobile app development, video game development, artificial intelligence, and so much more. Adding further confusion is which programming language to focus on. 

In my professional opinion, web development is the best place to start for new programmers. Why? For starters, everyone knows what a website is. We’ve all used web browsers and are familiar with how they work, at least on the surface. That alone is a good starting point.

You do not need any special or expensive software to get started as a web developer. In fact, you don’t even need an expensive or fancy computer either. Most students are perfectly content using their 5-6 year old laptops.

More importantly though, every company depends on their websites and web applications to be successful in business. Imagine what would happen if Amazon or Google’s websites stopped working tomorrow. Even non-tech companies still rely heavily on their websites for ecommerce or to bring in new sales.

Get access to the entire content library

Over 230 step-by-step video tutorials and lessons teaching everything you need to know to become a successful web developer. These videos are constantly being updated and new content is added regularly.

Learn the languages of the web

You will master languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Git, Github, Node.js, MongoDB, and more. These technologies are what power the modern web, and with them you will be able to build beautiful websites and applications.

We break complex topics into small, easy to understand pieces

The best way to learn is through fun and engaging projects. Throughout these lessons we will build projects that are sleek, colorful, and modern. Once you learn how to build the fundamentals, you’ll easily be able to add your own creative touches.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We think you'll really like our content, but if for any reason you're not satisfied, you can rest easy. We will provide you a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not happy for any reason.

Ready to get begin? Start your free 7 day trial today

Just $19/month after your trial. You can cancel anytime.



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9 courses